Spiritual Energy Protection

Most of us have the luxury of protecting our human selves from day to day disasters, we wear clothes, have a roof over our head, seatbelts and airbags to keep us safe. What protects our Spiritual Energy? What does one do when they are sick, feel drained or the aura is a bit off? What if we have a space where the atmosphere is heavy or the vibe is a tad flat? What is the fix for that? Smudging is the fix for that.

What is smudging you didn't ask? Smudging Ceremonies or rituals have been around for many years in different countries, cultures, and religions. Traditionally, smudging is for cleansing or purifying the soul of negativity, sounds cool right? If you are stressed out or weary, a good cleansing may be of some help to you!

Most commonly used in smudging rituals is the herb medicine Sage, as it contains antimicrobial properties. It can keep viruses, bacteria and fungi at bay. Some also have insect repellent properties and though it isn't scientifically proven, burning sage is believed to release negative ions in microenvironments. It has been used to cleanse harmful energies and is one of the most potent ways to ground oneself.

Before experiencing the benefits of smudging, remember that burning sage is inherently sacred in countless communities and respect is deserved. Always express yourself with reverence, set your intention, use respect and have gratitude to the work itself and those who have smudged before you.

Smudging Steps Made Simple:

Before you begin, make sure your area is well-ventilated. Do not burn anything near pregnant people, young beings or elderly ones nor those with breathing issues. Most importantly, never leave anything burning unattended!

A) Light your smudge stick.

B) Say your intention. Something like: Release all negative energies from this person or place; fill this person or place with light, love and the energy from above.

C) Do your best to visualize the smoke lifting all the negative energy and emotions away. Imagine all the bad thoughts and vibes leaving for good.


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